Friday, December 31, 2010

Fire and Ice


                                              Fireand ICE

                                 Some say the world will end in fire,
                                Some say in ice.
                                From what i,ve tasted of disire
                                I hold with those who favore fire.
                                But if i had to parish twice,
                                 I think i know enough of hate
                                To say that for distruction ice
                                 Is also grate
                                And would suffice.

                                ROBERT FROST

twilight story

twilight is an unusuall love story.These story is about a girl named Bella Swan that just moved in with her father in Forcks.Bella is going to high school and there she is meetin a group of  unusual high scool student and one of them is Edward.Bella is somehow going to fall in love..... The rest of the story you are going to need to figure out.  :):):):):):):):):)

twilihht pictures